Having trouble with your welding equipment? Our repair technician is also an experienced welder and will make sure the machine is in top working order before sending it back to you. We offer repair services for the equipment we sell and are authorized for warranty repair for Miller, Lincoln, Hypertherm & ESAB.
Welding Equipment Certification
- Includes Certificate of Calibration
- Includes Data Sheet Showing Certification Results
- Machine Labeled with Automatic Reminder Prior to Certification Expiration
- Testing and Visual Inspection of Machine, Torches, Mig Guns, Cables, Clamps, etc.
- Documentation Provided on Calibration Equipment -- All Standards Traceable to N.I.S.T.
- Standards of +/- 3% using Calibrated Metering Equipment where MIL-STD-45662A and ANSI/NCSL Z540-1-1994 Applies
Demo & Training
We have a demo and training area so that you can see a machine in action and learn about a piece of equipment before purchasing it. Give us a call to schedule a time.
Inventory Stocking
Our commitment to our customers is to keep a well-stocked warehouse with the equipment and supplies needed to do business. If your business depends on a product, we have the room to keep it in stock.
Knowledgeable Staff
We pride ourselves on our knowledgeable staff, with over 600 years of accumulated experience in the industry. If you have a question, we have the answer.
We typically make next day deliveries, but can also make same day deliveries or emergency deliveries outside normal business hours when needed.
Cylinder Tracking
Each cylinder is given a unique tag identification so we know if that cylinder is out to a customer, ready to be filled, or on our dock ready for the next customer. Any discrepancy is quickly discovered and corrected due to real-time notifications. This guarantees that our customers never pay rent on cylinders that they didn’t receive!
Paperless Billing
Welders Supply is going green by offering paperless billing to our customers. If you would be interested in having your invoices emailed or faxed to you, please fill out contact form on this page, and let us know you would like to receive your invoices by fax or email.