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Welding Equipment Certification


  • Includes Data Sheet Showing Certification Results
  • Machine Labeled with Automatic Reminder Prior to Certification Expiration
  • Testing and Visual Inspection of Machine, Torches, Mig Guns, Cables, Clamps, etc.
  • Documentation Provided on Certification Equipment — All Standards Traceable to N.I.S.T.
  • Standards of +/- 3% using Calibrated Metering Equipment where MIL-STD-45662A and ANSI/NCSL Z540-1-1994 Applies

Do you have a big job coming up and need to make sure your welding machine is outputting the amps it’s supposed to? We offer welding equipment certification  that your equipment is prepared to do the job right the first time.

Typically companies use a hand held clamp-on amp meter and standard volt meter to verify the machines output readings while the operator is welding. We utilize a resistance load bank specifically designed to test and certify the output from welding machines.

Using this, we can vary the load applied to access readings and output levels that cannot be attained while welding, allowing us to verify readings from minimum to maximum throughout the machines output range.

The output of the machine and the amp / volt readings are unstable while welding and vary with changes in the arc length, wire stick out, as well as other factors. When a resistance load is applied, this is overcome, the readings are extremely stable, and machine outputs can be accurately verified.

We strongly encourage each customer to ensure that our process is sufficient to satisfy any code and or quality specifications that your company is required to comply with.  Please contact us today, if we can help you with welding equipment certification